UKIYO-E color pigments optical and chemical

Japanese pigments in Ukiyo-e  (1700-1900) could be recognized with non invasive optical images from UV to IR (reflexion and fluorescence) and chemical XRF data.

Here is the summary of the work done in C2RMF of pigments registered in imaging under visible light, UV and IR transformed in False color ( and fluorescence from UV light in visible domain.  Main chemical component from XRF are also listed.

Fluorescence response from visible to visible and visible to IR will be added soon.

2020 C2RMF Clotilde Boust


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Clotilde Boust (12 avril 2021). UKIYO-E color pigments optical and chemical. Scientific imaging for cultural heritage / Images scientifiques pour le patrimoine. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse