Archives de catégorie : Billets

PhD defense Jizhen Cai – 15th of March 2024 (Friday) at 14h00

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the open Ph.D. defense entitled “Methods for Classification and Pigment Identification on Multidimensional Image Data”. My Ph.D. project was conducted in collaboration between the Imaging and Artificial Vision Laboratory (ImViA), University of Burgundy (UB), Dijon, France and Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) & CNRS PCMTH IRCP, Paris, France in the framework of H2020 MSCA-ITN CHANGE.


The composition of the jury is the following:

Prof. Sylvie Le Hegarat – Rapporteure

Prof. Sony George – Rapporteur

Prof. Véronique Eglin – Examinatrice

Dr. Clotilde Boust –  Co-encadrant de thèse

Prof. Alamin MANSOURI – Directeur de thèse



This thesis proposes a multimodal methodology aimed at automating the traditionally expert-driven process of pigment identification. By leveraging advancements in hyperspectral and multispectral imaging technologies and employing deep learning techniques, the research addresses three core questions: the automation of pigment identification from images, the applicability of hyperspectral unmixing methods to pigment identification, and the enhancement of classification accuracy through the joint exploitation of spectral and spatial information. The findings, validated through extensive experiments with real paintings and mockup samples, not only contribute significantly to the field of cultural heritage conservation but also open new avenues for future research in pigment identification and conservation practices.



The defense will be held on the 15th of March 2024 (Friday) at 14h00 (2pm in the afternoon) at the following address:

Auditorium of C2RMF- C2RMF – 14 quai François Mitterrand – 75001 PARIS – France

For those attending online, you can participate by following this link.

I am looking forward to your participation!

Kind regards,

Jizhen Cai


Soutenance de thèse Yoko Arteaga

Gloss simulation, PhD Yoko Arteaga, 2023

Dear all,

I am pleased to invite you to the defence of my PhD thesis “Material Appearance for Conservation and Restoration – Capturing and modelling the appearance of gilded surfaces“, supervised by Clotilde Boust and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, at the research department at the Centre of Research and Restoration for the Museums of France, and the Colourlab at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The defence will take place on Friday, 28th of April, 2023 at 2 pm in the Palissy Auditorium at C2RMF (Porte des Lions, Palais du Louvre, 14 quai François Mitterand, 75001 Paris). 

As part of the PhD evaluation, I will be giving a lecture “Gloss in cultural heritage preservation: expectations, challenges and innovations”. The lecture will take place on the same date at 10 am in the Palissy auditorium.

Both the lecture and PhD defence will also be available online via the link below:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 362 760 897 724
Passcode: Rn9Q5w
Looking forward to seeing you there,

Yoko Arteaga 

PhD student – CHANGE ITN 
Imaging group
C2RMF – Centre de recherche et restauration des musées de France 


The human visual system is extremely efficient at identifying and recognising different materials. Rarely do humans mistake one material for another, and the appearance of a material tells us many important
cues about the environment we live in. However, the mechanisms behind material appearance and perception are not fully understood.
Cultural heritage objects exist in a wide range of materials, each with its own particular appearance.
While it is common to evaluate the colour of cultural heritage objects before and after restoration, this is not always representative of perceptual differences that the restoration may cause. Gilding is a form
of polychromy commonly used in the Middle Ages which poses many technical challenges to acquire its appearance. The gold leaf, of metallic nature, creates a particular appearance which changes depending on the fabrication method and has a strong angular dependence. This thesis aims to address some of these issues, by acquiring, modelling, and analysing the appearance of complex cultural heritage materials. Focus is given to gilded surfaces since they exhibit interesting appearance
properties such as gloss, metallicity, and in some cases even translucency. The research is divided into two sub-objectives, one concerning methods for appearance capture, and the second deals with
applying material appearance analysis for conservation and restoration.
The first research domain of this PhD thesis deals with methods for material appearance capture. First, the challenges and limitations of using conventional methods for appearance capture are explored. As
an alternative, an imaging-based methodology is developed and evaluated for bidirectional reflectance measurements, catered for cultural heritage materials of challenging appearance. This method is then applied to satisfy the second sub-objective.
The second research domain concerns the application of material appearance analysis for conservation. For this, the appearance of different types of gilding is acquired, modelled, and
evaluated. By using perceptual gloss metrics, the different types of gilding can be described and characterised in terms of perceptual differences. Moreover, varnish removal methods are evaluated in
terms of appearance change, to guide the conservation of a 15th century painted panel.


The Symposium on the Application of Radiation Techniques for Cultural Heritage Research will be carried on during 22-23 March 2022, 1.00-5.00 p.m. (GMT+7) in English and held via an online platform.

The purposes of the Research Network on Cultural Heritage establishment include:

  • to build a regional research platform applying large-scale facilities located in the ASEAN region such as synchrotron light sources, nuclear research reactors, particle accelerators, as research facilities, in the field of cultural heritage studies,
  • to strengthen technical collaboration in the ASEAN region,
  • to facilitate access and enhance the utilization of large-scale research facilities among ASEAN researchers, and
  • to enhance scientific contribution in the understanding of ASEAN cultural heritage.

Register here :

Clotilde Boust, Elsa Lambert :”Utilization of radiation technology in cultural heritage characterization” 22 march 14h30 (Bangkok time)

22nd March 2022

12.00 – 13.00 Registration  
13.00 – 13.10 Opening remark  
13.10 – 14.00 A brief introduction to the event TINT/SLRI + moderator
14.00 – 14.30 Research in cultural heritage using X-ray techniques Prof. Koen Janssens,


Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium

14.30 – 15.00 Utilization of radiation technology in cultural heritage characterization Dr. Clotilde Boust,


Center for research and conservation for French Museum, France

15.00– 15.30 Preservation of cultural heritage using irradiation and consolidation technology Dr. Laurent Cortella,


ARC-Nucléart, France

15.30 – 16.00 Archaeological research using nuclear research reactor in Malaysia – Dr. Muhammad Rawi B. Mohamed Zin


– Dr. Hishamuddin HUSAIN

Malaysian Nuclear Agency

16.00 – 16.10 Discussion Moderator
23rd March 2022
12.00 – 13.00 Registration  
13.00 – 13.30 Scientific Archaeology: methods and perspective Mr.Theerasak Thanusilp


Office of Archaeology, Fine Arts Department, Thailand

13.30 – 14.00 Archaeological research at ANSTO, Australia Dr. Floriana Salvemini,


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

14.00 – 14.30 Archaeological research using nuclear research reactor in Indonesia Mr. Bharoto BHAROTO


National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)

14.30-15.00 Preliminary results of analysis of characteristic elements and tracing the origins of ancient ceramics using handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer Bui Thi Hong,
Faculty of Physics, VNU University of Science
15.00– 16.30





ASEAN Research Network on Cultural Heritage




Closing remark


article : Scanning the Celts – Evaluation of 2D and 3D techniques in protohistoric archeology

Charlotte Hochart, Elsa Lamberta, Anne Maigret, Clotilde Boust “Scanning the Celts: evaluation of 2D and 3D techniques in protohistoric archaeology (Conference Presentation).” Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VII. Vol. 11058. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019.

Préprint :  SPIE_Hochart_v6

Summary : The Agris Helmet is a masterpiece of the Celtic art made in the middle of the 4th century A.D. It has been found near Agris, France, in 1981 during an archeological dig under the supervision of José Gomez-de-Soto. This composite object is made of an iron cap covered with bands of bronze. The bronze is itself covered with pure gold leaf, with embedded coral decorations attached using silver rivets. The Helmet was discovered with one cheek guard which had similar materials and designs. Considering this information, the cap would have been used for display rather than worn in battle. The helmet, discovered in pieces, was restored in Mainz during the 1980th and is now held by the Musée d’Angoulême in Angoulême (France). The present project led jointly by the AOROC department of the ENS and the C2RMF and supported by PSL, was an opportunity to make complementary work on the Helmet to document it thoroughly. Our aim was threefold. Firstly, we wanted to document the Helmet in such a way that future studies would be doable even without physical access to the original piece. Then, we were willing to search the best 3D technique and practice for this complex piece. The level of details and the brilliant aspect of the surface were the perfect challenges for our 3D systems. In addition to these technics, we wanted to enhance the knowledge about the object (material and technical identification) and provide new data for archaeology and art history. We began the study with a complete photographic coverage of the Helmet thus highlighting every single visible detail on its surface. In order to go further concerning the structure of the object itself, we chose to use X-Ray technology. This method allowed us to see behind the surface and understood the organization and construction of the Helmet. Furthermore, multiple techniques of photogrammetric imaging and 3D digitalization were used to obtain the best set of data. Leadingly, we performed a photogrammetric coverage under artificial lights followed by another under natural light. Thereafter, we used two 3D scanners technologies, one based on structured light and the second based on laser technology. The resulting 3D models were compared in precision and acquisition convenience (simplicity of devices and acquisition time). While the photogrammetric models were perfect to easily visualize the texture and color of the object, its degree of precision left something to be desired. On the contrary, the 3D models obtained by scanning technologies were effective for the purpose of getting complete metric and volumetric values. For the study of the Helmet, the high-resolution models provided information about tools marks and other traces of the production techniques. Moreover, mesh comparing provided new data for the matching of supposedly identical items on the surface. The results of those studies were particularly instructive for the historians of the Celtic period and gave new possibilities to the researches for the work on this precious object.

Vidéo du colloque Ducos du Hauron

Revoir le colloque sur Ducos du Hauron, un inventeur visionnaire de la photographie couleur, qui s’est déroulé 27 le novembre 2021 au théâtre municipal Ducourneau d’Agen

Jean DIONIS DU SEJOUR – Maire d’Agen
Alain ASPECT – Président du Comité d’organisation du colloque
Patrick FLANDRIN – Président de l’Académie des sciences
Charly SARION – Président des Amis de Ducos du Hauron
Bertrand LAVÉDRINE – Professeur du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Nathalie BOULOUCH – Maîtresse de conférences en histoire de l’art contemporain et photographie, Université Rennes 2
Joël PETITJEAN – Docteur en histoire de l’art, chargé de cours en histoire de la photographie au département d’histoire de l’art de l’université de Bourgogne
Jean-Paul GANDOLFO – Responsable de laboratoire et professeur de technologie a l’École Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière (ENSLL, Saint-Denis), aujourd’hui retraité
Jean-Louis BERGER – Ancien élève de l’École Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière, maitrise de sciences et techniques (MSDT) à l’Université Paris VIII
Sylvain BESSON – Directeur des collections, musée Nicéphore Niepce, Chalon-sur-Saône
Clotilde BOUST – Ingénieure de recherche, responsable du groupe imagerie, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) Paris
Anne WOLGEMUTH – Photographe scientifique Inu Studio, chargée de mission au Musée des beaux-arts d’Agen
Natalie COURAL – Conservatrice du patrimoine, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), Paris
Adrien ENFEDAQUE – Conservateur du patrimoine, Musée des beaux-arts d’Agen

article : Imagerie scientifique pour la conservation et la restauration du patrimoine

Journées d’étude sur les préalables à la restauration, 13 et 14 octobre 2016, C2RMF/Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy.
Lien vers Parution de la publication électronique, novembre 2018

La photographie et la radiographie sont utilisées pour la compréhension des œuvres depuis l’ouver­ ture en 1931 du laboratoire du musée du Louvre, dédié à la conservation et la restauration du patri­ moine. Si les grands principes de l’époque restent utilisés aujourd’hui, les progrès des sources de lumière, des capteurs et de l’informatique graphi­ que ont permis de développer considérablement les analyses optiques sans contact avec les œuvres d’art, pour enregistrer la surface, la forme ou l’intérieur des objets.

Le principe général de l’imagerie est d’envoyer un rayonnement électromagnétique (lumière visible, UV, IR, rayons X…) sur un objet et d’en­ registrer ce rayonnement modifié par son interaction avec la matière de l’objet. Cet enre­ gistrement se fait simultanément en plusieurs points de l’objet via des capteurs couvrant tout ou partie de la surface de l’objet. On obtient une image, ou un tableau de mesures, qui représente visuellement le rayonnement enregistré.

D’un point de vue des informations utiles à la conservation des œuvres, l’imagerie est utilisée pour deux raisons principales : le constat d’état et l’analyse des matériaux.

– En premier lieu, ces images permettent de faire un constat d’état d’une œuvre à un instant donné, c’est­à­dire un enregistrement précis des couleurs, surfaces et volumes d’une œuvre, complétant ainsi le traditionnel constat d’état visuel et la description par des mots.

– La deuxième fonction des images scientifi­ ques est l’analyse des constituants de l’œuvre, c’est­ à ­dire la détection des matériaux constitutifs. En effet, certains matériaux réagissent de façon spécifique sous certaines radiations (absorbent ou réfléchissent des longueurs d’ondes particulières), ce qui permet de les repérer et de les identifier.

Toutes ces captures optiques (photographie, radiographie, numérisation 3D) s’effectuent sans contact avec les objets et sont donc sans danger pour les œuvres. De ce fait, ces techniques sont utilisées en priorité pour l’étude des objets patrimoniaux.

Cet article décrit plus en détail les principales techniques d’imagerie actuelles et leurs appli­cations pour la conservation des œuvres d’art.

Télécharger l’article : JDN_01_Boust_interactif_006-016


UKIYO-E color pigments optical and chemical

Japanese pigments in Ukiyo-e  (1700-1900) could be recognized with non invasive optical images from UV to IR (reflexion and fluorescence) and chemical XRF data.

Here is the summary of the work done in C2RMF of pigments registered in imaging under visible light, UV and IR transformed in False color ( and fluorescence from UV light in visible domain.  Main chemical component from XRF are also listed.

Fluorescence response from visible to visible and visible to IR will be added soon.

2020 C2RMF Clotilde Boust


Reconnaissance du bleu égyptien par imagerie sur les objets du patrimoine

Le bleu égyptien est un pigment synthétique, très présent sur les décors, objets et pein- tures du pourtour méditerranéen du IIIe millénaire avant notre ère à environ 500 ans après J.C. Les recherches menées au Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Mu- sées de France [CRRMF R0R0]2 ont tout d’abord permis de retrouver son procédé de fa- brication. Puis, afin de repérer rapidement le bleu égyptien sur les œuvres conservées dans les musées, une méthode d’imagerie spécifique a été mise en place. Cet article présente l’imagerie de Luminescence Infrarouge (LIR) et son application à l’étude d’objets de différents pays méditerranéens à plusieurs époques.

Télécharger l’article : Bleu_maigretetal-v24

Cet article a été écrit en hommage à notre collègue Sandrine PAGÈS Camagna.

Filtres imagerie UV et IR

Filtres utilisés pour l’imagerie multispectrale avec des appareils photographiques défiltrés (sans le filtre anti infrarouge d’origine):

  • Image de réflection dans le visible : Schott  BG38 anti IR 
  • Image de réflection dans l’infrarouge :  RG780 anti visible. Le Kodak Wratten 89B était utilisé avant l’arrêt de sa production. Cette référence encore disponible sur B&H donne bizarrement des images floues.
  • Image de réflexion dans l’UV : UG11 anti visible et IR
  • Image de luminescence dans le visible sous UV : GG395 anti UV  + BG38 anti IR
  • Image de luminescence dans l’infrarouge sous lumière rouge : RG780 anti visible
Schéma de prise de vue de luminescence dans l’infrarouge sous lumière visible. image Clotilde Boust C2RMF 2020
Spectres des filtres passe bande visible et infrarouge dont le BG38


Filtre UG11 (


Cite this article as:  Boust C., Bellec J.-L. “Filtres imagerie UV et IR,” in Scientific imaging for cultural heritage / Images scientifiques pour le patrimoine, ISSN 2609-780X, 22/11/2020,

Bonne continuation Nicolas

Photo Philippe Salinson 2019

Nicolas Mélard, conservateur du patrimoine et spécialiste de la 3D et de la préhistoire, a passé 6 ans au groupe imagerie du C2RMF. 

Depuis octobre 2020, il est responsable des collections du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Lille.  

Félicitations Nicolas!

Lettre en or du roi du siam à napoleon 3

Le C2RMF a étudié la lettre en or conservée au  Ministère des Affaires étrangères, envoyée à Napoléon 3  par le roi du SIAM. Elle a été présentée à l’exposition “L’Art de la Paix, secrets et trésors de la diplomatie” présentée au Petit Palais du 18 octobre 2016 au 15 janvier 2017. 

Les photographies macro ont permis de traduire la lettre de la langue Siam au Français. La numérisation 3D a permis de faire usiner un socle pour pouvoir la présenter et la déplacer. L’analyse élémentaire a révélé sa composition. Toutes ces analyses sont sans contact.

Images C2RMF et MAF


  • La restauration de la lettre d’or en images  : diffusion du film réalisé par le pôle Audiovisuel du ministère des Affaires étrangères.
    Isabelle Nathan, conservateur général du patrimoine aux Archives diplomatiques des ministères des affaires étrangères, nous fait le récit de ce document exceptionnel.
    Olivier Lagarde, restaurateur d’oeuvres d’art, fut chargé de rendre son éclat et sa lisibilité à cette pièce conservée aux archives du ministère des affaires étrangères.


UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques/ Técnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis

Une publication de l’Universitat Politècnica de València sur l’imagerie de luminescence sous UV en Anglais et Espagnol est consultable ici:



“Ever since its first introduction in the field of conservation, the role of UV-VIS luminescence/fluores-cence (UVL and UVf, respectively) imaging has been expanding.The unique and significant contribution of this technique for investigation of cultural heritage has led to the development of new methodol-ogies and applications. Each chapter in this volume can be read independently. While this means that some repetition may occur between the individual chapters, in particular regarding the explanation of terminology and methodology, such overlap provides interesting op-portunities for cross-comparison of both terminol-ogy and methodology. In addition, it highlights similarities and differences between different situations in the practical application”



Enlighting statues for photography

Photographing a statue is not an easy task as lights used change the final rendering. Depending of the purpose of the image, lightings could be very differently choosen. For catalogue or art books, contrasted images with dramatic effets are usually preferred although for scientific images, statues properties should be shown without bias. Uniform and soft light is usually more relevant. 

Images below are showing some examples of rendering changes produced by lighting characteristics. 

3D Heritage Online Presenter : 3DHOP

3DHop is an interesting project from  Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR Italy :

“3DHOP (3D Heritage Online Presenter) is an open-source framework for the creation of interactive Web presentations of high-resolution 3D models, oriented to the Cultural Heritage field. 3DHOP target audience ranges from the museum curators with some IT experience to the experienced Web designers who want to embed 3D contents in their creations, from students in the CH field to small companies developing web applications for museum and CH institutions.”

The contact page reveals several  linked projects:

“3DHOP has been designed on the base of the experience done in the EC IP project 3DCOFORM: Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation. De facto, 3DHOP can be considered the second version of the Community Presenter tool, which was designed and implemented as part of the 3DCOFORM project.

The 3DHOP technology has been developed in the framework of the EC NoE project V-MUST.NET – Virtual Museum Transnational Network.

3DHOP is currently used and, at the same time, developed and debugged in some other research projects:

Images de Notre-Dame

“Le vaste chantier de restauration de Notre-Dame de Paris s’accompagne d’un projet scientifique tout aussi ambitieux. Au cœur de ces travaux : un chantier numérique de grande ampleur pour créer un double numérique de la cathédrale permettant de centraliser toutes les données scientifiques liées au monument. Le chantier scientifique Notre-Dame CNRS / Ministère de la Culture est développé en collaboration avec l’Établissement Public Notre-Dame de Paris.”

Avec la participation active du C2RMF/Ministère de la Culture avec à l’imagerie Alexis Komenda, Philippe Salinson, Laurence Clivet et Anne Maigret. Bravo, ce n’est pas une mission facile!

Le site du Ministère de la Culture  consacré à Notre-Dame :