Archives de catégorie : 2D X-Rays


The Symposium on the Application of Radiation Techniques for Cultural Heritage Research will be carried on during 22-23 March 2022, 1.00-5.00 p.m. (GMT+7) in English and held via an online platform.

The purposes of the Research Network on Cultural Heritage establishment include:

  • to build a regional research platform applying large-scale facilities located in the ASEAN region such as synchrotron light sources, nuclear research reactors, particle accelerators, as research facilities, in the field of cultural heritage studies,
  • to strengthen technical collaboration in the ASEAN region,
  • to facilitate access and enhance the utilization of large-scale research facilities among ASEAN researchers, and
  • to enhance scientific contribution in the understanding of ASEAN cultural heritage.

Register here :

Clotilde Boust, Elsa Lambert :”Utilization of radiation technology in cultural heritage characterization” 22 march 14h30 (Bangkok time)

22nd March 2022

12.00 – 13.00 Registration  
13.00 – 13.10 Opening remark  
13.10 – 14.00 A brief introduction to the event TINT/SLRI + moderator
14.00 – 14.30 Research in cultural heritage using X-ray techniques Prof. Koen Janssens,


Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium

14.30 – 15.00 Utilization of radiation technology in cultural heritage characterization Dr. Clotilde Boust,


Center for research and conservation for French Museum, France

15.00– 15.30 Preservation of cultural heritage using irradiation and consolidation technology Dr. Laurent Cortella,


ARC-Nucléart, France

15.30 – 16.00 Archaeological research using nuclear research reactor in Malaysia – Dr. Muhammad Rawi B. Mohamed Zin


– Dr. Hishamuddin HUSAIN

Malaysian Nuclear Agency

16.00 – 16.10 Discussion Moderator
23rd March 2022
12.00 – 13.00 Registration  
13.00 – 13.30 Scientific Archaeology: methods and perspective Mr.Theerasak Thanusilp


Office of Archaeology, Fine Arts Department, Thailand

13.30 – 14.00 Archaeological research at ANSTO, Australia Dr. Floriana Salvemini,


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

14.00 – 14.30 Archaeological research using nuclear research reactor in Indonesia Mr. Bharoto BHAROTO


National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)

14.30-15.00 Preliminary results of analysis of characteristic elements and tracing the origins of ancient ceramics using handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer Bui Thi Hong,
Faculty of Physics, VNU University of Science
15.00– 16.30





ASEAN Research Network on Cultural Heritage




Closing remark


ARTICLE : Symposium on non-destructive testing of cultural heritage, Korea

International symposium on non-destructive testing of cultural heritage: Radioactive techniques for diagnosis and conservation of cultural heritage

Symposium international [Diagnostic non destructif des biens culturels] commémorant 10e anniversaire du Centre de science de la conservation du patrimoine culturel, Corée, 2019

This symposium brought together scientists using ionizing radiation in the field of cultural heritage, either for its characterization or for its conservation. 5 presentations for a nice audience of a hundred people, mainly academics, students and professors in the fields of heritage sciences.

  • Curent status and prospects for the conservation and restoration of cultural of cultural heritage using radiation technology – Song Jungil – Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center, NRICH (National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
  • Surface 3D, X-rays and X-ray tomography for museum object analysis in France – Clotilde Boust – C2RMF (Centre de Recherche et Recherche des Musées de France)
  • Analysis and application of precise image of cultural heritage using X-ray computed tomography – Oh Hwasuk – Wonkwang Regional University, Innovation Center for Next Generation Industrial Radiation Technology
  • Non-destructive test and utilization for cultural heritage by neutron – Kim Taejoo – KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • Gamma radiation processing for cultural heritage preservation – Laurent Cortella – ARC-Nucléart, CEA Grenoble.

“Surface 3D, X-Rays and X-tomography for museum object analysis in France”, Clotilde Boust, Elsa Lambert, Charlotte Hochart, Nicolas Mélard, Benoit Mille, Center of research and restoration for French museums -C2RMF, 14 quai Francois Mitterrand 75001 Paris France

Radiographie des objets d’art

La radiographie est présente au centre depuis ses débuts et son utilité dans la connaissance des œuvres n’est plus à démontrer. Elle est aujourd’hui utilisée pour comprendre la structure des peintures et des objets, grâce à plusieurs générateurs de puissances différentes, avec des détecteurs argentique ou numérique.

Bien que les conditions de mise en œuvre soient connues depuis longtemps, il reste toujours un travail important à faire sur les paramètres optimaux à appliquer en fonction des matériaux très variés du patrimoine et en particulier lors de leur présence mixte (bois, toiles, pigments, plâtre, fonte, plâtre, ivoire, verres…).

Le futur de la radiographie des objets du patrimoine se situe dans l’augmentation de la définition de capture (microfoyer) mais surtout dans les techniques de reconstruction en 3D des images radiographiques sous plusieurs angles (tomographie).

Radiographie des peintures :
– repentir de composition,
– indice de conservation du support,
– changement de support, de formats…

Radiographie des objets
– support technique à la restauration,
– connaissance du procédé de fabrication,
– interprétation du geste et de la technique de l’artiste…

Pour en savoir plus :

– “Radiography in modern industry”, fourth edition, Eastman Kodak company, 1980 – PDF : Radiography-in-Modern-Industry

– “La radiographie des peintures de chevalet”, Elisabeth Martin et Elisabeth Ravaud, Techné n°2, 1995

– “La radiographie des objets d’art”, Thierry Borel, Techné n°2, 1995